Account Page


You’ll arrive at this page if you want to create a new login account, or if you click your user name on any page after you’ve logged in.


Basic Information


Your Email is your account name, and is required.  This allows us to communicate with you about photos or lists you’ve added, etc. 


Short Name is also required, and is used to credit lists you author, etc.


Your Full Name is used for photo credits, but otherwise does not appear in the system.


Your Phone Number is optional, but useful if you’d like to collaborate with other users.


[ ] I understand that is a collaborative project…  In order to work as a team, we need 100% friendly comments, even if we’re disagreeing.  Please don’t set up a login if this is not your style.


Password – please use a non-obvious password, so hackers can’t take over your account.


[ ] Remember Me  Check this if you want to store a cookie on your browser that will remember your login for next time.



Expert Permissions depends on the services of experts to make our published output reliable and easy to use.

·        Reviewers review and correct photos IDs, database facts, and ID Guide facts.

·        Taxon Authors create default articles for each taxon.  Tips, photos and captions entered by these authors appear as defaults for other authors.  Taxon Authors may also create Glossary articles.

·        Editors edit ID Guides for clarity and consistency, and publish them for public access.


Please fill in your qualifications, and we’ll start a discussion about how you can join our team of Plant Experts.





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