How to do stuff


If you have a specific question on a certain page, click the information icon in the upper right corner to see details about that page.


Here is some stuff you’re likely to want to do:


Report a mistake or make a suggestion

ID the plant in front of you


Take PlantID into the field


Add what you know to PlantID


Copy PlantID photos into your own workyou can use most of them for non-commercial purposes.


Upload your own ID photos


Build an ID guide – an illustrated list of plants that you specify


Import a complete park or trail plant checklist


Login – identify yourself before adding content to the website


Change your account information – for instance, enter your photo initials and copyright choices.


Use a URL Link to show specific data – for instance, show Edgewood Preserve red flowers.


Advanced – these assume you know your way around PlantID, and want to do some fancier stuff

Copy plants from one guide to another


Future how-to articles

·        How to become a reviewer

·        How to create non-dichotomous search keys

·        How to create a photo essay


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