Deciduous and Evergreen


A deciduous plant loses its leaves at the end of the growing season.


Red Alder – photo courtesy William Follette



An evergreen plant retains its leaves throughout the year, and loses last year’s leaves after this year’s have grown in.

Huckleberry Oak – drawing © John Muir Laws



In, we offer a “Winter Leaves” search that finds trees and shrubs that either lose their leaves (deciduous) or keep their leaves (evergreen) over the winter.


Here are some other uses of deciduous:

·        Summer deciduous – plants that lose their leaves in the summer, often to avoid drying out.

·        Drought deciduous – plants that only lose their leaves when they are stressed for lack of water.

·        Semi-deciduous – plants that lose their leaves at the same time they’re growing new ones.


Want more?  See Wikipedia.


