Bent Grass (Agrostis)

By Bruce Homer-Smith


Agrostis is from the Greek word for pasture.  Bent grasses are commonly used for forage and lawns.  They’re in the Oat Tribe.


What to look for:

·        Bent Grasses grow to 3 feet tall.

·        Spikelets are small, flattened, and have one floret.

·        Glumes are long enough to hide the floret


Other features (Perennial/annual, spike-like/branched, bunch/not, awns/not) are not shared across the genus, so to get to genus you’ll have to carefully inspect the spikelets or learn the plants from a teacher in the field.


Here are some examples:

Oregon Bentgrass (Agrostis oregonensis)

Photo by Keir Morse

 Spike Bentgrass(Agrostis exarata)

Photo by Steve Matson



Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis gigantea)

Photo by Steve Matson


 Mountain Bentgrass (Agrostis variabilis)

Photo by Steve Matson


California has 22 species of Agrostis. 



