Overview of PlantID.net
PlantID.net is set up to help you identify any plant
you find in the wild in California.
How it flows
Here’s a simple schematic that shows how you’ll use
this system to make your plant ID.
Start with a search
or choose a location from the Menu.
This will take you to
the Plant ID List, where you can refine your search, read ID tips, compare
illustrations, and come up with a possible match.
Then drill down
deeper into a Plant Page and Slideshow to confirm your ID and learn more about
your plant.

Plant ID List Menu


Plant ID List



Plant Page


Slide Show

The Plant ID List
As you see above, the central page is the Plant ID
List, which is much more than a list. It
Easy searches that
you can accumulate – for instance “red 5-petaled flower in bloom today”.
Plant ID tips and
captions. In combination with images
these give you a good idea of what to look for.
Several views and
Links that let you to
drill down to more information on a plant once you find a likely match.
Getting more information
You can find out more about each page by clicking
icon in the
upper right corner.
You can learn about procedures – for instance how to
load your own photo, load your own plant list, edit plant lists, and even write
glossary articles and state-wide plant information, by clicking About on the home page, and then choosing How to do stuff.
Here are a few terms that have special meaning in
ID Guide – an illustrated plant list written by a local
expert, to introduce you to a location (Spring Wildflowers of Mt. Burdell), or
a focused topic (Thistles of Marin County).
These are designed to be easy to use, with ID tips, captions and lots of
photos put together to make plant identification straight forward.
Checklist – a Plant ID List showing all plants found in a park
or on a trail Checklists are different
than ID Guides because they are designed to show every plant in an area. Checklists have many search filters to help
you get to a short list of possibilities.
Local Expert – ID Guides and Checklists are put together by local
experts who share their knowledge with you via PlantID.net.
PlantID.net is designed to be easy to use, so we use
every-day English to describe plants.
Sometimes we’ll add a technical term in parenthesis to give a more
precise meaning. Technical terms are
usually underlined, which means you can click the link to see an illustrated
glossary article on it.
PlantID.net is authored
by many people, so you get the benefit of a
Wikipedia-like array of information:
photographers contribute their photographs.
Plant Experts write
species ID tips.
Local Experts
assemble focused, short ID Guides.
Reviewers check
Editors maintain
consistent style between ID Guides.
playing around to see what you can do.
Have fun!
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