California Rose (Rosa californica) Login         

  • EW Bloom Apr - Oct
  • This shrub grows in thickets to 6 feet tall, with large, recurved prickles.
  • Pink flowers, up to 2" across, open up flat at the end of branches.
  • The fruit is a rose hip with leafy material coming out the top.
  • It's common and widespread, especially in moist areas.
  • Similar plants.
  • CA native. Native only to the California Floristic Province.
  • AKA California Wild Rose
  • Rose Family (Rosaceae)

This fragrant rose flower has a single layer of five floppy petals. They surround dozens of yellow-tipped stamens.

Compound leaves have 5 to 7 leaflets. Each pollinated flower creates one red rose hip, with left-over flower sepals protruding from the end.

Prickles grow out from the stem; large, flat and often curved.

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California Wild Rose is conspicuous in bloom, showing pink roses against a green background. It grows in thorny, dense thickets, about 4 feet tall. ...

Leaves are [[compound]], with the terminal [[leaflet]] the largest. Leaflets are oval with serrated edges, darker on top. The underside has veins th ...

This closeup shows a tiny leafy part at the base of the leaf stalk, called a [[stipule]]. Look for them when you get a chance because they're a good ...

As you can see, [[prickles]] vary in size and shape but always have a wide base and are somewhat flattened. The larger ones often recurve back to ...

[[Prickles]] near the bottom of the plant can be quite dense. This is probably a defense against herbivores. I notice an analogous defense in li ...