Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia var. agrifolia) Login         

  • EW Bloom Feb - Apr
  • Height to 40 feet.
  • This beautiful tree has a thick trunk and heavy arching branches.
  • Trunks are silver grey in color.
  • These trees live near the coast, from Mendocino county to Baja California.
  • CA native
  • AKA California Live Oak
  • Beech Family (Fagaceae)

When unrestricted, Live Oaks grow wide and tall, with a thick canopy of evergreen, leathery leaves.

Leaves often curl under and have spiny edges. Acorns grow at the end of twigs.

Male flowers are pale green. Female flowers are hard to find, inconspicuous at the base of new leaves.

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Leaves are evergreen and leathery, lasting for several seasons. The leaf top is shiny, has indented veins, and often has [[spiny]] edges. Althou ...

Coast Live Oak leaves often curl under, although trees with no stress can have flat leaves. Notice the "hairy armpits" where the lateral veins touc ...

Male flowers open up quickly on warm spring days. Long hanging catkins hold dozens of flowers, each with 6 [[stamens]]. Each [[anther]] releases tho ...

Inconspicuous female flowers nestle at the base of new leaves. When pollen in the air settles on one of the receptive [[stigmas]] (green in this phot ...

Acorn cap scales lie flat against each other and the acorn. Note that Black Oak scales are similar but leave some space between them and the acorn. ...