California Cudweed (Pseudognaphalium californicum) Login         

  • Height 1 - 4 ft.
  • EW Bloom May - Aug
  • Flower heads are tiny (about 1/4" across).
  • Alternate leaves are gray-green, woolly and aromatic.
  • Found on dry slopes and coastal chaparral.
  • CA native. Endemic to the California Floristic Province.
  • AKA California Everlasting, Ladies' Tobacco
  • Aster Family (Asteraceae)

Each tiny pineapple-shaped flower head is wrapped in white papery phyllaries and contains over 100 minute yellow flowers.

Leaves are narrow and pointed, growing to 4 inches long. They're smaller higher on the stem.

Branching stems grow erect, each topped with whitish flower heads.

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California Everlasting (AKA California Cudweed) is quite aromatic - smelling like maple syrup or, according to some, like cumin. It is in the "ever ...

Stems are stout and branching, with several flower heads at the top of each branch. They have glandular hairs, and are sticky. One or more stems ...

Leaves are quite narrow and long - up to 4 inches near the bottom of the stem and shorter farther up. Edges are smooth but often wavy or curled und ...

Leaves either wrap around the stem or start to, as shown here. Branches form in the [[leaf axils]] and end in flower heads. Leaves don't come to ...

Each flower-head is about 1/4" across and contains over 100 minute yellow flowers. The flower-head is surrounded by many rows of whitish papery [ ...