Kings Mountain Manzanita (Arctostaphylos regismontana) Login         

  • Height 5 - 16 ft.
  • EW Bloom Feb - Apr
  • This manzanita is a rare, tall, evergreen shrub.
  • Leaves are about 2" long, pointed at the tip and two- lobed at the base.
  • Pink and white urn-shaped flowers hang in bunches.
  • CA native. Endemic to the SF Bay Area.
  • CNPS 1B Rare, Endangered.
  • AKA Kings Mtn. Manzanita
  • Heath Family (Ericaceae)

Leaves have "mouse ears" at bottom that overlap the stem. They're hairy and sticky.

Red berries are about 1/4" across, hairy and sticky.

Beautiful red trunks are often on show for this shrub that grows to 8 feet and more.

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This is one of the tree-like manzanitas, typically growing 8 feet tall, and sometimes to 16 feet. Its beautiful, smooth red trunks shed thin strips ...

Leaves are the same on both sides - dull gray-green, with sticky hairs that thin with age. Leaves grow over 2 inches long, coming to a point at the ...

Leaves are fairly long for manzanita leaves, growing over 2 inches long. They're fuzzy on both sides and have a strong central vein. Sometimes t ...

Leaves grow close to each other, pointing in all directions. They overlap each other when viewed from the top.

This plant lives in the fog belt, allowing its hairy surfaces to collect water for the plant. The nacent inflorescence shown here develops slowly f ...