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Aaron's Beard
Hypericum calycinum
- EW Bloom Jun - Jul
- Bright yellow flower with lots of tall stamens, like St. John's Wort.
- Opposite leaves with the undersides blue-green and showing a network of veins
- Handling this plant can cause a skin rash.
- A garden escapee.
- Not CA native
Yellow flower at the end of stems, 5 petals, with lots of long stamens
Opposite leaves grow to 4 inches long.
Low growing, under 3 feet tall, with lots of woody stems.
Abrams' Eriastrum
Eriastrum abramsii
- Height to 6 in.
- EW Bloom Jun - Jul
- Five petals in an irregularly shaped trumpet
- Alternate leaves are thinly divided
- Low-growing (about 6 inches tall) often found in chaparral.
- Found in the coast ranges in the vicinity of San Francisco Bay
- CA native - endemic to California.
Leaves are divided into thin lobes. Flower is small and irregular.
Flower is surrounded by green bracts filled with a woolly fiber. It is a member of a group called Woollystars.
Grows to about 6 inches tall, with flowers on the end of thin, divided stems.
Medicago sativa
- Height 1 - 3 ft.
- EW Bloom May - Jun
- Like a clover but taller, and with serrated leaves.
- Purple pea-like flowers cluster in small groups at the end of multiple stems.
- Used in agriculture, you'll find Alfalfa in disturbed areas near farms.
- Not CA native
Clusters of small purple pea-like flowers.
Leaves in 3, serrated, with short petioles connecting them to the stem.
Grows erect. The pea pod twists into a coil.
American Brooklime
Veronica americana
- Height to 1 ft.
- EW Bloom May - Oct
- Blue or violet 4-petaled flowers
- Opposite leaves
- Round stems
- Grows in fresh-water wetlands, such as stream banks
- Stem runs along the ground, up to 2 feet long.
- CA native
Look for 4 petals and opposite leaves with a round stem. Green center guides in pollinators.
4 pale-blue petals with 4 green sepals behind them.
Opposite leaves up to 3 inches long. Flowers in groups at the end of stalks.
American Stinging Nettle
Urtica dioica ssp. gracilis
- EW Bloom Apr - Sep
- This is one of several stinging nettles in California.
- This one stings less than some of the others because its hairs are shorter.
- Stalks full of tiny flowers droop down from where the leaf connects to the stem.
- Found in moist areas, often along streams.
- CA native
Opposite leaves are serrated and are covered with stinging hairs. Thin strands of tiny green and white flowers droop down from leaf joints.
Leaves grow to 8 inches long. They're deeply veined on top and fuzzy underneath.
Nettle grows to 7 feet tall, in dense stands. Stems are generally not branched.
American Trefoil
Acmispon americanus var. americanus
- Height 2 in. - 2 ft.
- EW Bloom May - Jun
- White flower
- Pea petals
- Alternate leaves
- Disturbed
- CA native
American Vetch
Vicia americana ssp. americana
- Height 1 - 2 ft.
- EW Bloom Apr - May
- Flowers with pink, violet and white parts.
- Tendrils, modified leaves, allow the plant to climb on others.
- The vine stem can grow to 4 feet long, but the plant is generally under 2 feet tall.
- Alternate compound leaves.
- Widespread understory plant.
- CA native
Small but bright flowers
Lots of small compound leaflets.
Long thin leaves and purple flowers make this a vetch.
American Wintercress
Barbarea orthoceras
- Height 4 in. - 2 ft.
- EW Bloom Mar - Jul
- Yellow four-petaled flowers are small - about 1/4" across.
- Fruits are narrow, up to 2" long, and stand away from the stem, curving upwards.
- Common in moist areas.
- CA native
Look for compound leaves with a large final leaflet, and bright yellow 4-petaled flowers.
Flowers have the Mustard Family look - four separate petals that open to form a flat cross.
Winter Cress stands erect, with large leaves at its base. Branches end in tight clusters of yellow flowers.
Annual Agoseris
Agoseris heterophylla
- Height 2 in. - 2 ft.
- EW Bloom Jan - Jun
- A yellow dandelion head stands at the top of a leafless stalk.
- Look for purple markings underneath.
- Found in a variety of habitats at low elevations.
- CA native
The flower head often has hundreds of yellow ligulate rays but no disc flowers. Stigmas in the center are sometimes orange.
Basal leaves grow to 6" long and 1/2" wide. Edges are smooth but sometimes have lobes.
Seedheads are pretty, about 1" across.
Annual Blue Grass
Poa annua
- Annual Bunch Grass 1-8"
- 3-6 florets per spikelet
- No awns
- EW Bloom Feb - Sep
- Poa is an ancient Greek word for "fodder".
- This sweet grass is grazed by farm animals.
- Seeds are distributed 8 months a year.
- Not CA native
Bright green or yellow-green leaves are soft, generally flat and come to a blunt point at the tips.
Like all Bluegrasses, the inflorescence is open and spikelets have no awns. Florets are membranous.
Annual Blue Grass grows quickly in disturbed areas. Plants are small but have many leaves.
Annual Hairgrass
Deschampsia danthonioides
This meadow grass has spreading spikelets with awns, giving it a fuzzy appearance, thus Hairgrass. Spikelets sometimes have purple tips.
Hairgrass grows singly or in loose clumps. Spikelets grow on narrow, spreading, ascending branches.
Two large bracts surround 1-3 florets. Each floret has a long awn that bends in the middle.
Annual Moonwort
Lunaria annua
EW Bloom Mar - Apr
Pink, violet flower
Four petals
Alternate leaves
Not CA native
Arroyo Lupine
Lupinus succulentus
- Grows to 3 ft. on erect, sparsely hairy stems.
- EW Bloom Apr - Jun
- This annual flower produces 6" clusters of purple pea flowers.
- Wide-tipped leaflets grow on long (2-6") stalks.
- It is abundant in open or disturbed areas, and is often seeded on road banks.
- CA native
Look for radial leaflets that are wider near the tip. Their fleshy top feels rubbery.
Here's a closeup of the flower. The yellow pistil is just sticking out of the right-hand keel. The left part is the banner.
Stacks of whorled flowers have white banner spots that turn magenta with age.
Arroyo Willow
Salix lasiolepis
- Height 7 - 35 ft.
- EW Bloom Feb - Apr
- This is the most common willow in California.
- It's deciduous and is found near water.
- Look for narrow leaves that are wider near the tip than at the base.
- CA native.
Leaves are about 5 inches long, smooth-sided and narrow. They're pale/hairy underneath, and wider near the tip than near the base.
Classic pussies with yellow stamens. The buds are fused together (not overlapping) before they open.
This willow has many trunks, sometimes growing as a tree, and sometimes as a tangled shrub.
Bearded Clover
Trifolium barbigerum
- Height to 1 ft.
- EW Bloom Apr - Jun
- Brown, pink, violet, white flower
- Irreg petals
- Alternate leaves
- CA native
Bearded Iris
Iris germanica
EW Bloom Mar - May
Pink, violet, white flower
Six petals
Basal leaves
Not CA native
Beardless Wild Rye
Elymus triticoides
This rye has 2-ranked spikelets that connect directly to the stem. There is space between each alternating spikelet.
Hollow stems (like straws) connect at solid joints. Leaves are about 1/4" wide and a foot long.
Prominent blue-green leaves are 4-12" long and grow away from the stem. Found in moist habitats with heavy soils.
Bee Plant
Scrophularia californica
- Height 2 - 4 ft.
- EW Bloom Feb - Jul
- Bee plant is tall, with prominent triangular leaves and tiny brownish-red flowers.
- Small flowers are less than 1/2" across and have a nectar disk to reward pollinating bees.
- Opposite leaves have stalks that connect to the stem.
- Found in moist places below 8,000 feet.
- CA native
This view of the flower from below shows two rounded petals on top, two side petals, and one folded out like a tongue.
A square stem supports large, opposite, toothed leaves. This might make you think "Mint" but it's not.
Bee Plant grows several feet high with opposite, narrow leaves sticking straight out. Flowers are on horizontal stalks near the top.
Bellardia trixago
EW Bloom Apr - May
Pink, white flower
Irreg petals
Opposite leaves
Not CA native Somewhat Invasive
Bermuda Buttercup
Oxalis pes-caprae
- CA Bloom all year - Jan - Dec
- Sourgrass is one of the most prolific bloomers in early spring.
- It does well in moist, acidic soil.
- Not CA native.
- Moderately Invasive
5 bright-yellow petals overlap, showing a green center.
3 heart-shaped leaflets are thin and taste acidic if you eat them.
In early spring, Sourgrass and mustard make large patches of yellow in fields.
Big Quaking Grass
Briza maxima
This grass is easy to identify, with its nodding spikelets on long, thin stalks that wave in the breeze. They're oval, papery, and have no awns.
Spikelets start pale green and become tan with age. They're wide, fairly flat, and appear woven, with 12-20 florets. They look and shake like the tail of a rattlesnake.
Notice the purple shoulders ( glumes) on these developing spikelets. Leaves are flat and fairly wide.
Big Squirrel Tail Grass
Elymus multisetus
Dense inflorescences with long, purplish awns resemble squirrel tails, especially when they mature.
Here's a closeup of a squirrel tail. It's crowded with spikelets, each producing 8-22 awns!
Leaves are narrow and long. Found in open, sandy or rocky areas.
Bird's Eye Speedwell
Veronica persica
- Height 4 in. - 1 ft.
- EW Bloom Mar - Sep
- This is a small, beautifully marked wildflower.
- Leaves are opposite and small, often with serrated edges.
- It's found in disturbed areas, often near agriculture.
- Not CA native
The small (1/4"), 4-petaled flower has darker blue, radiant stripes. Notice how the petal sizes vary. 2 purple-tipped stamens and a green tinged center invite pollinators to visit.
Leaves are opposite. Flowers cluster at the top of the stem. The plant is often recumbent, lying along the ground.
This beautiful plant is easy to overlook because of its small size, but a pleasure to find.
Bird's Foot Trefoil
Lotus corniculatus
- Height to 8 in.
- EW Bloom Jun - Jul
- Tiny fruit clusters look like a bird's foot.
- Short, thin compound leaves make bundles along the stem.
- Find it in open grasslands, wetlands, and compacted soil along roads and trails.
- Other Trefoils
- Not CA native
Tiny pea flowers cluster at the end of the stem.
Each plant is small. See fruit pods on the left, compound leaves in the middle, and a flower cluster on the right.
Colonies of Bird's Foot Trefoil can be prominent in grasslands. It is sometimes vine-like, with prostrate stems up to 20 inches.
Bitter Dock
Rumex obtusifolius
EW Bloom May - Sep
Brown, green, red flower
Tiny petals
Alternate, basal leaves
Not CA native
Lewisia rediviva var. rediviva
- CA Bloom May - Jun
- This beautiful flower is made up of pink, violet and white.
- It has about 15 oblong petals, each over an inch long.
- Flowers are a combination of pink, violet and white.
- Bitterroot grows low to the ground, often in the mountains.
- It sometimes dies back after blooming in the spring (summer deciduous).
- CA native
Many pink petals, paler in the center. Lots of yellow-tipped stamens and a pale pink pistil.
Stems are short. Below the petals are 6-9 oval sepals.
Basal leaves are bean shaped, and form a rosette under this low-growing plant.
Black Creeper Sedge
Carex praegracilis
The inflorescence is short and dense, with separate male and female florets in the same cluster.
Male flowers protrude from their protective scales. Female flowers hide inside brown scales except at maturity.
Leaves are long, narrow, and either flat or V-shaped. Praegracilis is Latin for "very slender".
Black Medick
Medicago lupulina
- Height 6 in. - 2 ft.
- EW Bloom Jun - Jul
- Yellow clover-like flower
- Compound leaves in groups of 3s - hairy, with short petioles.
- Found in disturbed areas with good drainage. Widely distributed around the world.
- Not CA native
Leaves are grouped in 3s, with short petioles. Leaflets are toothed towards the tip and end in a short point.
Yellow pea-shaped flowers clustered like a clover.
Stem is quite thin, and grows along the ground when the plant is young. Fruit develops into a hard, black, oval pod.
Blackwood Acacia
Acacia melanoxylon
- Height 50 - 100 ft.
- EW Bloom Feb - Mar
- This acacia tree has twisted reddish-brown pods.
- The trunk has high levels of tannin, which causes dark stains when people handle it (thus Blackwood).
- Generally found in coastal disturbed areas.
- Not CA native
- Somewhat Invasive
Pale yellow spherical flowers show many stamens. These develop into reddish-brown pods.
Mature leaves are generally wide but occasionally have divided fern-like tips. Young leaves are divided too.
Blackwood Acacia grows to be a substantial tree.
Blow Wives
Achyrachaena mollis
- Height 2 in. - 2 ft.
- EW Bloom Apr - May
- This eye-catching bright-white flower is not a flower at all. As you look closer, you'll see that the "petals" are actually the flat scales of a seed head.
- A California endemic, this plant grows natively nowhere else in the world.
Here is the classic Blow Wives look. Flat, scaly pappus forms a wind parachute for each seed.
Yellow or orange ray florets point straight up. Inside them, many disc florets grow without petal-like rays.
Leaves are narrow and grow up to 6" long. They're erect and fuzzy.
Blue Dicks
Dipterostemon capitatus ssp. capitatus
- CA Bloom Feb - Apr
- Height to 2 ft.
- Flowers have 6 segments ( tepals)
- Basal leaves are long and narrow.
- Common in a wide variety of habitats.
- Compare to Ookow
- CA native
6-part flowers bunch tightly together at the top of a long narrow stem.
Often purple, this flower can also be pink or white. Notice the three forked, white filament sheaths forming a cylinder around the reproductive parts.
Long narrow leaves grow from the base of the plant. Below, the roots connect to food-storing corms.
Blue Elderberry
Sambucus mexicana
- CA Bloom Mar - Jul
- A large shrub with clusters of white flowers, plus compound leaves indicate an Elderberry.
- Berries are black but appear blue because of a waxy covering.
- Grey bark with vertical furrows.
- Common on stream banks and open places in forests.
- CA native
White flat-topped clusters of flowers are easy to spot.
Berries with a waxy covering makes them look powdery.
Compound leaves with 5 - 9 toothed leaflets.
Blue Gum
Eucalyptus globulus
- Height to 200 ft.
- EW Bloom Apr - Jun
- Flower nestled between stem and leaf.
- Leaves long, thin and dark green.
- Common, found in disturbed areas.
- Not CA native
- Somewhat Invasive
Flower has many white stamens surrounding a central knob, and smells of honey.
Mature leaves are narrow and curved, growing to a foot long. Woody fruits with 5 notches, grow to 1 inch across.
Heavy trunks with bark that peals in large strips.
Blue Oak
Quercus douglasii
- Height 20 - 65 ft.
- EW Bloom Mar - May
- Blue-green leaves with wavy edges, plus corn flake bark, are quick way to identify this oak.
- Leaves are relatively small and sparse, allowing it to tolerate more sun and dryer places than other California deciduous oaks.
- CA native. Found only in California.
Leathery blue-green leaves often have shallow lobes. They have a short petiole (stalk) and are generally 2 - 3 inches long.
Bark is pale and checkered by medium-size cracks. It reminds me of corn flakes.
This moderately sized oak has a heavy trunk and branches. It's common in dry, hot places that have some water.
Blue Toadflax
Nuttallanthus texanus
EW Bloom Feb - May
Blue, pink, violet flower
Five, irreg petals
Alternate, opposite leaves
Disturbed slopes
CA native
Blue Wild Rye
Elymus glaucus ssp. glaucus
This grass can grow to 5 feet tall and has a tight spike of spikelets at the top of the stem.
Rye spikelets grow tight to the stem, about 1/4" apart, making a woven pattern. 2-4 straight awns come out of each spikelet.
Leaves are fairly wide, flat, soft, and blue-green. The blade has tiny "ears" (auricles) that wrap around the stem.
Blue Witch
Solanum umbelliferum
- EW Bloom Jan - Sep
- Look for a pentagon-shaped flower with a bright yellow center.
- Branches and leaves are quite hairy.
- Green fruits turn purple when ripe.
- This distinctive shrub is widespread in chaparral and oak woodlands.
- CA native
Blue Witch flowers are lavender or blue, pentagon-shaped, and have a yellow center.
Leaves are hairy and smooth edged. Flowers sport green spots at the base of their petals.
Blue Witch is a small shrub that grows to 3 feet. Every part of it is poisonous to eat.
Blue-Eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium bellum
- Height 1 - 2 ft.
- EW Bloom Mar - May
- This is not a grass but an iris.
- At the top of each stem are violet flowers with darker purple lines leading to a yellow center.
- It's common in open, usually moist areas.
- CA native. Endemic to the California Floristic Province.
Beautiful 1/2" wide flowers have blue to violet petals and a golden yellow center to guide pollinators in.
Leaves are grass-like, narrow with parallel veins.
The ovary is below the flower and, if pollinated, develops into a capsule-like fruit.
Bowlesia incana
EW Bloom Mar - May
Green, white flower
Five petals
Opposite leaves
CA native
Brewer's Ragwort
Packera breweri
EW Bloom May - Jun
Yellow flower
Many petals
Alternate, basal leaves
CA native
Bristly Goldenaster
Heterotheca sessiliflora ssp. echioides
- EW Bloom Jun - Sep
- 10 to 30 inches tall.
- This is a late-summer blooming plant that thrives in California and Northern Mexico.
- It has two kinds of hairs that protect it from browsers and create a strong smell when touched.
- It's common in open areas in chaparral and grassland.
- CA native
Here's a yellow-on-yellow aster with a dozen or so petal-like ray flowers and many tiny central disk flowers.
Several layers of narrow, green phyllaries surround the flower head. All green parts are quite hairy.
Bright yellow flower heads turn brown with pappus after pollination. Older leaves turn grey as their hairs become bristly.
Bristly Ox-Tongue
Helminthotheca echioides
- Height to 7 ft.
- EW Bloom Apr - Dec
- A tall dandelion-like flower, covered in bristles.
- Leaves have large bumps on them.
- Lots of seed in the fall - you'll see it blowing in the air.
- Not CA native.
- Somewhat Invasive
Leaves have stiff bristles and bumps, giving it its name. Dandelion-like flowers top each branch.
Dandelion-like flowers are surrounded by distinctive, triangular, upward pointing, bristly green bracts.
Plants are tall, with many branches.
Brittle Leaf Manzanita
Arctostaphylos crustacea ssp. crustacea
- Height 3 - 10 ft.
- EW Bloom Feb - Apr
- Leaves stick out from the hairy stem.
- Alternate leaves dark green above, and light green below.
- Big bunches of tiny flowers, hanging down from stalk-like pedicels.
- Fruit is red and spherical with flat spot. Not sticky.
- CA native
Leaves are relatively big (2" long). Flowers are tiny in large bunches.
Early flower development shows red bracts. Leaves of ssp. crustacea have almost no hair on the bottom.
Look for a prominent burl at the base of the plant.
Broad-Leaved Forget-Me-Not
Myosotis latifolia
- EW Bloom Mar - Mayy
- This beautiful but invasive plant can cover large areas of forest floor.
- Found in moist, shaded, disturbed areas.
- Not CA native.
- Somewhat Invasive
5 blue petals overlap each other in a pinwheel. Notice the yellow center with white markings around it.
Flowers are small (less than 1/2 inch across) and hairy. They form a cluster along the top of the stem, which can be straight or coiled.
Leaves clasp the stem, are fairly wide, and are several inches long.
Broad-Leaved Helleborine
Epipactis helleborine
- EW Bloom May - Aug
- Leaves are distinctive, with indented parallel veins.
- Orchid flowers are a variety of pinks and browns.
- Found in shady woods, on dry banks.
- Not CA native
Leaves are broad and ribbed. Showy nodding orchid flowers grow along an erect stem.
Upper orchid petals shelter the flower, with a lower labellum making a landing platform for pollinators.
Grows to 3 feet tall.
Brome Fescue
Festuca bromoides
Brome Fescue is a short grass with small spikelets that turn a straw-like color as they age. Fescue is Latin for "straw".
Each floret produces an awn about the length of the rest of the spikelet.
The inflorescence is densely populated with spikelets on short stalks. Spikelets and awns point sideways as they mature, giving a tangled appearance.
Brown Dogwood
Cornus glabrata
EW Bloom Mar - Jun
White flower
Four petals
Opposite leaves
CA native
Brown Headed Rush
Juncus phaeocephalus var. phaeocephalus
- Perennial Rush 4-20"
- Stem cross section is flat
- No awns
- CA Bloom Apr - Jun
- This variety has a few, many-flowered heads. Other varieties have more heads.
- Found in wet meadows, dune hollows and marsh edges near the coast.
- CA native
These rushes grow closely together on wet ground. Dark brown or purple flower heads grow near the top of flattened stems.
Flower heads have many dark-brown six-part flowers. Anthers (white) and stigmas (pink) stick out beyond the flowers to aid wind pollination.
Leaves are flat and have ribs that grow part-way across them. They have pointed tips.
Ceanothus cuneatus var. cuneatus
Opposite leaves are short, thick and rounded. Twigs point directly away from the stem.
Flowers, in five parts, are cream color. The green dots at the base of the pistil are nectaries - a sugar bonus for pollinators.
Aromatic flowers cluster in tight balls close to the stem.
Bugle Hedge Nettle
Stachys ajugoides
- Along West Creek
- CA Bloom Feb - Apr
- Square stem
- Whorls of pink and white flowers, with some space between the whorls.
- Hairy but not spiny
- Opposite hairy leaves, somewhat aromatic when rubbed.
- CA native
Pink whorls of flowers mature from the bottom up.
A mint flower, with two upper lips and a tongue-like lower lip.
Whorls of flowers near the top. Opposite leaves below.
Bull Clover
Trifolium fucatum
- EW Bloom Mar - May
- Height to 1 ft.
- Flowers and leaves are as you would expect in a clover, but larger.
- Short pea pods.
- Found in grasslands.
- CA native
White or yellow clover flowers bunch together in a round ball. Leaves are formed from 3 separate leaflets.
The base of each flower expands as its fruit develops. Note the green pointed bracts below the flower head.
These large clovers often grow in colonies.
Bull Thistle
Cirsium vulgare
- CA Bloom June - Sept
- This thistle has spiny everything.
- A pear-shaped spiny base supports a 2-inch-tall purple flower.
- Dead flowers with many spines stay on the plant for a long time.
- Bull Thistle is common in disturbed areas.
- Not CA native.
- Moderately Invasive
A fairly thin pear-shaped spiny bulge below flower is a good way to distinguish this species.
Bull Thistle has big spines all the way up the stem, on the leaves, and around the flower.
Here is a basal rosette of thick, toothed leaves.
Bur Chervil
Anthriscus caucalis
- Height 2 - 3 ft.
- EW Bloom Apr - Jun
- White flower
- Five petals
- Alternate leaves
- Disturbed
- Not CA native
Medicago polymorpha
- EW Bloom Mar - Jul
- This is not a true clover but rather a close relative of Alfalfa, in the Medicago genus.
- Look for slender-toothed stipules that encircle the stem where stalks meet it.
- Not CA native
- Somewhat Invasive
3 or 4 yellow pea flowers cluster at the end of a long stalk. Leaflets have serrated edges.
Burclover tends to run along the ground. The 3 clover-like leaflets are separate from one another. Flowers, fruits and leaves are on stalks.
Pollinated ovules enlarge into tightly coiled pea pods with burs that stick out. The burs catch on passing animals, distributing the seeds to new areas.
California Aster
Symphyotrichum chilense
EW Bloom Jul - Dec
Blue, pink, violet, white flower
Many petals
Alternate leaves
CA native
California Bay
Umbellularia californica
- CA Bloom Nov - May
- Height to 60 feet.
- The foliage of this classic California tree smells like bay leaves.
- Clusters of small flowers grow at the end of branches where new leaves emerge.
- Flowers turn into a plump 1 inch fruit resembling avocados, to which the tree is related.
- CA Native - endemic to the California Floristic Province.
Leaves are fairly narrow, with a central vein and smooth edges, ending in a point. They have a leathery feel, and a spicy smell when crushed.
Green fruit turns purple when mature. Leathery skin covers oily flesh that surrounds a pit (similar to avocado).
Bay Laurels can grow to be substantial trees, thickly covered with their spicy-smelling leaves.
California Bedstraw
Galium californicum ssp. californicum
EW Bloom May - Jul
Yellow flower
Four petals
Whorled leaves
CA native
California Blackberry
Rubus ursinus
- Height 3 - 6 ft.
- EW Bloom Apr - Jun
- This shrub forms an impenetrable thicket of branches, full of narrow prickles.
- You'll notice bright white flowers with many stamens.
- Found in canyons, coastal stream banks and disturbed areas
- CA native
Separate petals, with green leafy sepals in between. This male flower has many stamens.
Prickles are short, narrow, and plentiful. Himalayan Blackberry has wider, longer, and less densely-packed prickles.
Red fruit turns black with maturity. Leaves in 3s, coarsely toothed, are hairy and have spines. Veins are indented on the leaves.
California Brome
Bromus sitchensis var. carinatus
Spikelets attach to the stem on branches. Glumes are short, revealing 5-10 florets above them.
Florets form a flat, woven pattern, each with a 1/2" awn.
Long leaves and inflorescences give this a classic bunch grass look.
California Buckeye
Aesculus californica
- Height 12 - 40 ft.
- EW Bloom Apr - Jun
- Buckeye trees are conspicuous from afar; pale green leaves in early spring, full of flowers in early summer, and bare-branched well before other trees lose their leaves in the fall.
- Each aromatic flower has 4 pink or white petals and long stamens.
- The fruit resembles a buck's eye - brown and about 2 inches across.
- CA native
Buckeye trees become covered with columns of sweet-smelling flowers.
5-part compound leaves are palmate (shaped like a hand). Leaf edges are finely-toothed and bud in early February.
Trees in the open form a dome shape, often growing 40 feet tall and 40 feet wide. They can live 250 years.